1968年,英国达格南。福特汽车制造厂无疑是英国私营企业里的龙头翘楚。然而在以男性为主导的汽车行业里,女性的地位却显得尤为低下。187位缝纫女工在条件极为恶劣的工厂车间里,汗流浃背地埋头缝纫汽车座椅衬垫。肮脏闷热的工作环境,漫长无比的工作时间,而最重要的是,她们的工资却因为性别原因而被压榨到异常低廉。然而为了维持生活最基本的开销花费,这些女工们一直隐忍着这些不公平对待。终于,她们决定高举标语走上街头,罢工抗议在工作中受到的性别歧视,要求同工同酬。  丽塔·奥格兰迪(莎莉·霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰)无疑是这场女性权益斗争中的领军人物。凭借着非凡的勇气和不断的尝试,丽塔带领了众多女工踏上了维权之路。很快,这次罢工席卷全英国,成为了颁布反性别歧视的“公平工资法案”的导火索。 收起




1999 电影 / 剧情片 英国
故事发生在1970年代,乔治.克汉是一个生活在英国索尔弗德市的巴基斯坦人,自己经营着一家私人店铺。乔治.克汉的妻子埃拉是个地地道道的英国人,出生在英格兰西北部的兰开夏州。他们一共有七个孩子。乔治一心想让一家人遵从传统的巴基斯坦价值标准和道德观念,但无奈的是七个孩子都有他们自己的想法。对乔治来说,生活更像是一次漫长的妥协。 顽皮的女儿米娜喜欢跟男孩子们一起踢足球而不喜欢擦脂抹粉打扮自己;嬉皮儿子沙林表面上是在学习工程学,实际上却身在艺术学校;满脑子情色浪漫的塔里克已经成了当地出名的风流浪子;萨吉德还是个乳臭未干的娃娃。纳吉尔为了不成为家庭中另一出包办婚姻悲剧的受害者,索性临阵逃脱,跑到埃克尔斯镇作起了帽子生意,自己养活自己;乔治为了让另两个儿子就范,逼着他们跟体面富有的屠户夏先生的女儿结婚……
2015 电影 / 剧情片 西班牙
在追求幸福的过程中,内心感受和努力工作的人与鲁莽、厚颜无耻的怪人之间发生了冲突。生活是个婊子。描述了 3 对功能失调的夫妻最终彼此发生冲突的生活。在巴塞罗那的郊区情景中,在财富和当地的愚蠢之间,每个人都在寻找避免痛苦的捷径;尤其是野性可爱,勾人心思的少女。
2016 电影 / 剧情片 芬兰
1949 电影 / 剧情片 美国
This is not a large scale multi-million dollar epic of World War Two. No thousands of extras, no wide panoramic sweep of battle scenes. This says more about The Battle of the Bulge than the movie of the same name. It's just an ordinary black and white M.G.M. production. What it lacks in size and scope it makes up for in impact.A simple story very well told, of a squad of GI's of the 101st Airborne Division, thrown into the maelstrom that was the German offensive in the Ardennes in December of 1944 against the Allied ground forces. It's hard to believe that this film was not shot on location; but on a Metro sound stage. And Metro's Culver City was turned into the only outdoor location for the snow-covered, rubble-strewn town of Bastogne under siege, which was tenaciously held by the 101st, under the command of Brig. General Anthony McAuliffe. With the exception of Van Johnson as Pvt. Holly who was high profile on the Metro lot in his time, and George Murphy as Pvt. Stazak, the rest of the cast were character-type actors who filled their roles perfectly. James Whitmore as Sgt. Kinnie is drilling the squad in the opening scenes. The squad members talk of an enjoyable furlough in Paris which is suddenly cut short by the German breakthrough in the Ardenne. Ptv. Stazak hopes of going home are dashed because his authorised documents have not come through before the squad moves up front. Douglas Fowley as Pvt. Kippton seems to be the best in the squad at bellyaching.Maybe it's his dentures that make him a sourpuss. But Fowley's dentures turn into a class act; clicking away to the old song, "I Surrender Dear," through the courtesy of a German propaganda broadcast heard over the radio in a Sherman tank. Denise Darcel comes as a welcome relief of feminine pleasure; not out of place in the town of Bastogne itself. In an indoor scene, Pvt. Holly's eyeballs go into left-to-right overdrive as he stares at Denise's buxom rear end descending a flight of stairs. Then there's Holly again, nursing stolen newly-laid eggs, as valuable as gold nuggets. He's about to scramble them over a fire when the squad is told to saddle up and move out. Not for the first time does Johnson (Pvt. Holly) yell, "oh no!" A expression he's used in past movies also. The broken eggs in his upturned helmet are now a problem. In the end it's disaster. The German artillery scramble the eggs for Holly. Problem solved! On a three man patrol, Holly, Hodiak as Janness, Montalban as Rodriguez, intercept and force a jeep carrying a Major and two sergeants to stop and identify themselves. The knowledge that Germans are infiltrating in GI uniforms has made the patrol suspicious so the Major is asked how the Dodgers made out in 1944. The Major hesitates,but the Sergeant in the rear seat asks Holly who Betty Grable is married to. Montalban shouts back, "Cesar Romero". The Major says Romero is out. "Betty Grable is married to Harry James". The tense atmosphere relaxes. The patrol is convinced they're friendly. What is displayed authentically on this studio sound stage is the icy, bone-chilling atmosphere of the battlefield. The men hunkered down; the deeper the better, in their foxholes. Throughout nearly all this movie there is the constant rise and fall in the background of continuous artillery fire, like a rolling thunder. It never seems to cease. Sometimes it's close, sometimes distant. That, along with the freezing fog hanging like a thick whitish-grey blanket in the air, enveloping everything, gives off an atmosphere of crisis; a feeling of fearful tension. The men endeavour to dispel the fear with humour. Waiting and wondering when the enemy will appear ghost-like out of the mist-shrouded forest. Near the end of the movie, Leon Ames gives a good performance as a Army Chaplain. Trying to explain the reason for this necessary trip to Europe, to kill off a murderous political system that has already killed off millions. Before the end, the tables turn in the Allies favour. Sergeant Kinnie notices his shadow against the snow. The sun is breaking through and the mist rises. Allied tactical air power is back in business again with a vengeance. Veteran director William Wellman was not found wanting when he directed this movie. He had already proved himself with, "The Story of GI Joe", in 1945. Antiwar film? Any war film well made and convincing can be antiwar, and you do not need blood all over the silver screen to prove it. Antiwar or not, World War Two was a "popular" war. The reasons stuck out a mile. The Army Chaplain said so in so many words. The Ardennes offensive caught the Allies unawares. By late 1944, battered the German forces may have been. But they still had a few nasty shots in their locker to scare the living daylights out of the Allied Command. We thought the Germans had run out of fighting steam, but old Field Marshal Gerd Von Rundstedt thought different.
2012 电影 / 剧情片 日本
二次大战结束后,一个民族截然分成两个不同体制的国家,也让漂泊在异国他乡的族人望穿秋水,不知何处是故乡。20世纪70年代,从小出生在日本的朝鲜人松浩(井浦新 饰)按照父亲的命令回到从未踏足的故乡朝鲜,以支持共产主义事业的建设。谁曾想这一分别便是14个世纪,松浩在故乡组建家庭,曾经他疼爱的小妹理绘(安藤樱 饰)也长大成人。这一日,喜悦和忧伤的信息同时传来,松浩因患病而得到政府特批,得以赴日接受为期三个月的治疗。久别重逢的一家人以及曾经的故友亲朋,复杂的情绪在彼此心间漫延……  本片是日籍韩裔女导演梁英姬根据家族的真实经历改编,并荣获2012年电影旬报十佳影片第一名和最佳女主角奖(安藤樱)。
2022 电影 / 剧情片 越南
Rima   Thanh   Vy   平明   红映   芝芙   英书
玲(芝芙 飾)和姮(阮清薇 飾)是一對分散多年的好友,某天,玲收到姮的邀請,前往郊區一間老房子拜訪她。玲在房子裡發現傳說中含冤而死的女鬼「慕依」的畫像,姮因此意外遭到附身而性格大變,出現各種失序的行為。為了拯救好友,玲必須解開畫像背後的秘密……。
2019 电影 / 剧情片 美国
2021 电影 / 剧情片 美国
2018 电影 / 剧情片 中国大陆
来自乡村的笨贼眼镜(章宇 饰)和大头(潘斌龙 饰)抢了一家手机店,慌乱之中逃进坐着轮椅的单身女子嘉旗(任素汐 饰)的家中。嘉旗早已失去活着的欲望,她强横地要求俩笨贼杀死自己。另一边,某楼盘老板资金链断裂跑路,留下保安马先勇(陈建斌 饰)与讨债者周旋。马曾经是立功无数的协警,可就在转正的关头因为一场车祸毁了原本看似美好的一切。不久前他挖到一把喷子,原本打算交给当初的警察好友立功,却发现喷子被换成了水枪。而成为了新闻的手机抢劫案,让马先勇意识到喷子正在劫匪的手上。   漫长的一天,所有与之相关的老老少少都在纠结煎熬。他们是渺小的无名之辈,却真真切切感受到来自命运的重压……
1970 电影 / 剧情片 美国
村上春树的短篇小说《All God's Children Can Dance/神的孩子都在跳舞》,已由Scott Coffey改编为同名英语电影,导演是Robert Logevall,Jason Lew演Kengo(即书中的善也),而母亲则为陈冲。继【东尼瀧谷】之后,又一成功改编村上春树小说的电影。剧情描述Kengo一直相信自己是神的孩子,而上帝就是他的父亲。直到一天,Kengo偶然瞥见可能是生父的独耳男子,跟踪他穿越荒凉的城市,也瞥见自己心底的孤绝…低吟的爵士乐、晕黄的小酒馆,洛杉磯化为书中的忧鬱东京,灵魂上的疤痕虽已随时间冲刷淡去,寂寞世人依旧只能与孤独共舞。 但Variety影评人在CineVegas Film Festival看过此片后,把它批得一文不值...
2015 电影 / 剧情片 日本
2017 电影 / 剧情片 美国
2012 电影 / 剧情片 韩国
1990年,韩国总统卢泰愚发起“与犯罪的战争”,在釜山警方的严打中,黑帮幕后人物崔翼贤(崔岷植 饰)因拘禁企业家落网,由此揭开了他游走于黑白两道的传奇故事……1982年,时任监督科公务员的崔翼贤在肥的流油的海关如鱼得水,但上司在遭到举报之际将崔翼贤推出背黑锅。前途晦暗的崔翼贤孤注一掷做起对日的毒品生意,得以结识了同族的黑帮大哥崔炯培(河正宇 饰),以崔氏望族出身自豪的崔翼贤很快与崔炯培结为同盟。二人凭借各自的人脉和暴力,在釜山的黑道世界创出天地。
2015 电影 / 剧情片 大陆
影片《曾经我们不懂爱》是一部由青年导演孟柯执导的60分钟电影,编剧兼女主角蒋希希凭借在剧中的精彩表现而获得广泛关注,一改往日好学生的形象,初次挑战叛逆女学生的角色。影片讲述了出生在单亲家庭的女孩陈思雨(蒋希希 饰),从小跟父亲相依为命。陈思雨从小调皮捣蛋,有着男孩一般的性格,高中因为违反校规被学校开除,被父亲责骂后离家出走。几年后,陈思雨当上了企业老总,在一次偶然的谈话中得知父亲原来已经去世,她自责并后悔莫及。
2002 电影 / 剧情片 中国香港
